Last year, there were rumored test screenings for Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire that gave very specific details that actually happened in the final release of the movie. However, there were rumors of a third new monster that was shown in test screenings called Phosphera (Fosphera).
The existence of Phosphera started around the time the rumored test screenings were floating around. According to rumor, the monster did not go very well with the audience thus swapping her out with Mothra. That was never the case, according to director Adam Wingard. In an interview with The Wrap, Adam Wingard states that Mothra was always planned for Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, but there was no guarantee that would have happened. He was surprised that he was able to obtain Mothra for the movie and was happy that it happened.
A leaked photo did appear after the rumors made the rounds showing off what would be Phosphera in the test footage. First reactions were really mixed. Learning that her role was basically the same exact role as Mothra (a guardian deity that becomes peacemaker for Godzilla and Kong), fans would agree with Adam Wingard that adding this monster just would not make sense.
However, more images started to appear. In a Godzilla x Kong featurette titled Meet the Monsters of Hollow Earth, a quick snippet of concept art showing a size chart featured Phosphera standing at 150 feet tall, similar in size of Mothra. We see here that she more animal like being covered in fur, hands and feet, and a tail with a spear shaped tip. She also has membranes that is like a squirrel that looks like it can be used to glide in the air rather than flying.

I really do like the design here a lot more than how she appeared in the leaked photo. It shows greater detail of what this monster really looked like. I know that it is not everyone's favorite design, but I can see Legendary Entertainment using this design of Phospera in a movie or TV show where she is better utilized with a new role.
What I will say on the whole thing of the Mothra/Phosphera ordeal is that it further shows that nothing is guaranteed when trying to get a monster from Toho's roster. Every time Legendary wants to use one of the monsters from Toho the studio has to pay Toho for the license to use it specifically for that movie/show. This is why we see some monsters looking or behaving to other monsters we recognize. The Mother Longlegs from Kong: Skull Island was once thought to be Kumonga by Godzilla fans, even though Kumonga was never planned. At one point, people thought Shimo was going to be Anguirus or SpaceGodzilla. When we got our first trailer for Monarch: Legacy of Monsters, YouTuber Mr. H thought the Ion Dragon was Battra from the 1992 movie Godzilla and Mothra: The Battle for Earth (despite having no resemblance to the Toho monster what-so-ever).
It is just cheaper for Legendary to make their own monsters just so then they can use those monsters at any time. They would not have to keep purchasing the license to use Toho's monsters every time for a movie, TV show, or even a video game. It was just like Adam Wingard said. He was not sure he was even going to get Mothra despite having planned for her in the first place. Phosphera was really just backup in case he didn't get the license.
I am seeing as of recent fans warming up to this design and would love to see Phosphera actually make an appearance in some way. I think she would make a fine addition to the Monsterverse roster of titular Titans. I think her abilities could use some more work, however. Right now, the ribbon coming out of her mouth and the bioluminescent glow is too similar to Mothra's abilities. Otherwise, let's actually see her in a movie or show. I think the design for Phosphera is too good to just be scrapped. If we can fit her in and have her role make sense that isn't just an alternative to Mothra then she would be awesome.
What are your thoughts on Phosphera? Would you like to see her in a future Monsterverse movie or TV show? Leave a comment in the comments section of your thoughts on Phosphera. Make sure to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Minds, MeWe, and TRUTH Social to stay up to date for more news, reviews, and discussions.