Ever since Jurassic World Dominion, the movie has left me sour towards the idea of another movie and in such short notice. Especially with Gareth Edwards helming as director I was not all that excited for the next movie. I am not really a fan of his films so my bias was already setting in. Now that the trailer is here, I am still reserving my excitement for Jurassic World Rebirth, but I can honestly say this actually does have me some what excited.
From what we know from the last movie, the dinosaurs and the modern world were able to find a way to co-exist. In Jurassic World Rebirth, the dinosaurs are having extremely bad luck being unable to adapt to the modern world and only a handful of them are left.
The trailer starts off with a museum installing an exhibit recreating the original exhibit hall in Jurassic Park with the T-Rex skeleton and a sign that reads "WHEN DINOSAURS RULED THE EARTH." We are introduced to our main characters, Zora Bennett (Scarlett Johansson) and Dr. Henry Loomis (Jonathan Bailey), who are met with Martin Krebs (Rupert Friend). As Martin introduces Zora and Dr. Loomis, Martin mentions that Zora is going to be their "Mission Specialist," which has Dr. Loomis asking again with confusion who she is.
As we see Zora and Dr. Loomis walking through the high grass, Martin Krebs explains the mission would be a huge medical breakthrough that can save countless lives. They turn around to find a snake-like tail lifting into the air and see this tail is attached to our first dinosaur reveal, Titanosaurus (no, not THAT Titanosaurus. Sorry, Godzilla fans). Krebs continues that fortunately for them all of the species of dinosaurs they are looking for are isolated on one specific place (how convenient for them) and asks Zora and Dr. Loomis if they can be ready the next day. Dr. Loomis is uncertain about this mission and Zora jumps in stating that she can "more or less" guarantee his safety, making the doctor more uncertain.
Next we see a sea plane landing at a questionable port where we meet our next character, Duncan Kincaid (Mahershala Ali), and Zora explains to Martin that he is the best at moving people in and out of places where people are not supposed to be. We then see a boat heading to their destination when we hear Duncan they will head towards Barbados to avoid government patrol, but can't guarantee they will make it as nobody has been dumb enough to go where they are going (He must have not watched the previous Jurassic Park movies).
Their destination is an island where the original facility for all of Jurassic Park took place. This has me thinking they are going back to Isla Nublar, but it could also be Isla Sorna as according to John Hammond in The Lost World: Jurassic Park he states that island was meant to habilitate the dinosaurs when they were first born before moving them to the main park on Nublar. I have heard some people speculate this could be "Site-C," which was an island that was originally planned for Jurassic Park III, yet was scrapped for Isla Sorna.
As we hear Zora explain what kind of place they are heading, we see a developed fetus of a velociraptor and then cuts to more scenes in the high grass where we hear Martin explain that he needs DNA from three largest dinosaurs on the island and then asks Dr. Loomis that they need to get it from an egg. Dr. Loomis responds that they could get it from the parents, but they are flying carnivores and the size of an F-16 (talking about the Quetzalcoatlus that is shown a minute later). Going back to the velociraptor fetus, I did not catch it the first viewing of this trailer, but upon closer look the raptor has two heads. This is our first sign that not every experiment was successful and what is to come later in this trailer.
We see more exploration where we find Zora and Dr. Loomis inside a cavern that resembles Mayan ruins where the nest lies. While observing one of the eggs, Zora and Dr. Loomis are being circled by the parent prompting Zora to ask Loomis to make the DNA extraction quick. The parent Quetzalcoatlus circles into the entrance and starts attacking the main characters to protect her nest.
We find out that this island habits dinosaurs who are too dangerous for the original park before we hear someone hoping what they are seeing are not raptors. Loomis gives the bad news that they are seeing raptors after we see a raptor moving slowly as if sneaking on its prey.
It cuts to a dock to which a giant arm comes slowly towards our protagonists. We quickly spot our next main character, Reuben Delgado (Manuel Garcia-Rulfo), and his daughter (Audrina Miranda) staring at something large and terrifying. It cuts to Duncan lighting a flair and then we see our first look at the mutant dinosaur!
According to Vanity Fair, the inspiration for the design on the "mutant" (as I will temporarily call it until there is a proper name) is a mix between a T-Rex, the Rancor from Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, and the Xenomorph from the ALIEN franchise. My first impression is that I do see hints of the Rancor and the Xenomorph in the face, but sadly my mind keeps saying "it is another Cloverfield monster." Especially when later in the trailer there is a closer look at the monster and it vaguely reveals smaller appendages underneath the much larger arms and the bulky body with an angular fish like face shares those similar traits from the monster in Cloverfield or the MUTOs in Godzilla (2014). I would have liked to have seen a mutant dinosaur have multiple heads or multiple tails. Maybe the monster's organs is outside the body. Just something to make it look really unnatural as a result to a failed attempt at cloning a dinosaur.
We see more screaming, running, and guns firing until we come across another with what looks like Reuben's wife (Luna Blaise) coming face to face with a Dilophosaurus before cutting to see a Tyrannosaurus Rex waking up, and then a scientist in hazmat stuck inside a quarantined room with the "mutant." We see a bit more detail of the "mutant" here as it appears to have smaller limbs under the much larger arms. Then, we see one of the main characters trying to swim away from the T-Rex as it tries to eat him like a snack.

This scene here was taken from the original Jurassic Park novel. Apparently, this scene was originally going to be in the original movie, as well, but it was cut out of the final script and Steven Spielberg wanted to see this scene adapted in a future film. So the river scene from the book is finally getting adapted on screen many years later.
I really have to give credit to whoever designed the T-Rex because I am in love with how insanely detailed it is. The rough skin texture, the tiger stripes, the blend of browns and yellows all makes this look very updated compared to the T-Rex we saw in the previous three Jurassic World movies that looks smooth and brown making the Rex look fake. This new design looks so detailed that if you touched the skin it would feel exactly that. So I am really loving Rexy's new look in this movie.

Finally, we see not one, nor two, but THREE Spinosaurs and a Mosasaurus coordinating an ambush on our team's vessel and they are trying to get to our main characters. This scene here has me excited because of how crazy this is going to be. We have not seen the Spinosaurus since Jurassic Park III. Apparently, it was supposed to appear in Jurassic World Dominion, but was scrapped according to rumor. I am just glad to see it come back. My only criticism is that the face is different from the Spinosaurus from the previous movie. I would have preferred that one, but the detail is minor to me. I also love the new Mosasaurus design. This is much closer to how an actual Mosasaur would look. It does not look as big as the other one from the previous Jurassic World movies nor does it look very crocodilian. This new design is more closer to a whale if I were to compare. Otherwise, it looks awesome and I can't wait to see more of it.
It ends with the title card and the July release, which is actually July 2nd, 2025.
Overall, I am reserving my excitement because this is Gareth Edwards and I have not been a fan of his movies. I would be lying if I didn't say that I was not at least a little excited. I do like some stuff that I see in this movie. The "mutant" I am more critical of because it is a lazy design to me. All of that is made up though for the other dinosaurs we are seeing in this movie. I am really loving the new designs for these dinosaurs. I am liking the direction, thus far, for the story. Going back to an island that is under strict quarantine and having to survive an island of dinosaurs just for the sake of knowledge or consumerism and exploitation, which turns out bad for our characters.
Those are my thoughts and the breakdown of the Jurassic World Rebirth trailer. Now, I want to know what you thought. Does the trailer make you excited? Were there stuff that you are looking forward to seeing or has you worried? Leave a comment in the comments section of your thoughts on the trailer. Make sure to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Minds, MeWe, and TRUTH Social to stay up to date for more news, reviews, and discussions.